Sunday, March 8, 2009

This is the front label of the wine bottle!

This one goes on the back. All hand painted in photoshop, this work was done for wine bottle label, I am hoping to get the pictures from the wine bottles soon and I will upload them as soon as I get it.


Vince M said...

Oh, how nice-- glad you posted another entry. This looks interesting. Is it a private wine label you've created for this couple? If it is- mission accomplished! There are a few things I could pick at, some things I would have done differently, but this is an excellent job.

I went back and looked at your wine cellar mural and I'm really impressed with how you tied the whole room together in your color choices.

I think you're going to stay very busy.

Are these two projects for the same clients? If so, good for you.

Saeideh Omid said...

Thanks Vince, I love to hear what you would have done, and some critic, this was actually a first for me painting with a tablet on Photoshop :)
It was just for this couple, private gig, and I cant believe you tied the two together, these labels were made for the same clients I did the mural painting for.
you think I am going to stay busy do you? :) Thank you

Stephen Gardner said...

Nice work, keep posting.

Saeideh Omid said...

thank you stephen gardner. It means a lot coming from you, I saw your works, and they are amazing, are they all hand done? what is you medium of choice?

"Reverspective" Painting, Patrick Hughes, Optical illusion Painting, ICO

In The News: A year-long journey of research, and so many trail and errors--the result is the painting you see. Our inspiration and fasc...